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if someone ask "why do you like to do that?" proudly , I'm gonna answer "because it's me, and I'm proud of it"

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

why we need some inner beauty ?

girls, have you ever think like this? that boy/girl isn't good looking, but why they want to girlfriend/boyfriend?
maybe, for those who loves someone and the one who they love already having a not-good looking GF/BF will think, how can he love her? my face is prettier than her, I was taller than her. I am slimmer than her, or any other else, (I know not all girls/boys like this, hehe) But, let's see, we should see those people with he right eyeglasses, when he/her doesn't choose us and they prefer her/him, we should see ourselves,and think again, and in this condition , they will forgot about this, just a simple word but having a deep meaning,
inner beauty..  yeah that's it, we often forgot about it when we are jelous . when we ask the boys or girl. which are you prefer on? a girl/boy who having a good-looking but their attitude is a big zero or the one who are not a really good looking person but having a great heart, or a really good attitude? maybe , when just for playing, they prefer the one who is good looking , but for a wife/husband, they will think twice, like what my dad said
"if  a pretty woman was stand in front of me, but she have a bad attitude, and beside her there is my wife, proudly I'll chose my wife, when they having a pretty face, when they grew old, they will not pretty anymore right? but your mom, she looks pretty in my eyes because I love her and she have a great heart"

I just can keep quiet , I never think that my dad can say it! haha..

and he said again "when a girl doing some make up , or other, may be they will look prettier, but when a girl who have an inner beauty, without make up, they will look prettier isn't it?"
yeah dad, I'm proud of you!
hahaha :P
great heart will make you pretty until you grow old,
but pretty face didn't promise you'll still pretty when you are old right?
pretty face doesn't promise you'll look pretty when you old, but inner beauty promise it,
you got the point right? :)

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